Newspaper Article 3

Coronavirus: UK death toll reaches 35 in largest rise of Covid-19 deaths since global pandemic began

A woman wearing a protective face mask crosses the road at Piccadilly Circus in central London on March 15, 2020. (Photo by Tolga AKMEN / AFP) (Photo by TOLGA AKMEN/AFP via Getty Images)

  • the number of people that have died after being tested for coronavirus is 35 on Sunday
  • the deaths doubled from 11 to 21 from Friday to Saturday
  • there is a rise of 232 a day for corona virus
  • in Manchester a man was just given 15 minutes to say bye to his grandfather who was about to pass away.
This is appealing because it is very local to most readers and has increased vulnerability for the audience. furthermore is is a negative impact which is likely to draw the audience in heavily as society is rather interested in the negative than the positive

Daily Mail

Millions of workers stay at home - leaving trains and roads EMPTY as ministers warn 'ghost services' on railways could be axed completely amid coronavirus crisis

  • Millions of people stayed home from work leaving trains and buses empty
  • Some ghost trains were created ehich led to trains being haulted as the minister said theres no point keeping them going as the crisis escalates
  • Despite many homeworkers, thousands have stayed calm and have started this morning with others ready to continue their traffic regardless. 
  • Yesterday it was announced that the over 70s could be forced to separate themselves and that people who refuse to go to quarantine risk being thrown into prison or hit with a fine of up to £ 1,000.

  • It is appealing because it is very local to most readers and has enhanced public vulnerability. This is also a negative effect that is likely to draw the public because culture is more involved in the negative than the positive


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