Semiotics - Icon, Index, Symbol: blog task

1) Find three examples for each: icon, index and symbol. Provide images or links.

iPhone app logos
A picture of food
Old people crossing
No turning left
No smoking
Bones - toxicSymbol: 
Mcdonalds Logo
Traffic light - green man
Snapchat logo

2) Why are icons and indexes so important in media texts?
Icons and indexes are important in media text because it allows easy communication with the community without any language barrier

3) Why might global brands try and avoid symbols in their advertising and marketing?
The brand symbols may mean something else in another part of the country which could lead to a misinterpretation and possibly a loss in revenue

4) Find an example of a media text (e.g. advert) where the producer has accidentally communicated the wrong meaning using icons, indexes or symbols. Why did the media product fail? (This web feature on bad ads and marketing fails provides some compelling examples).
This advert is about Pepsi showing a sense of reunion but then it took a downfall when it caused socioeconomic conflict, racial tension and gender inequality. Also showed the violence towards black people from the American police

5) Find an example of a media text (e.g. advert) that successfully uses icons or indexes to create a message that can be easily understood across the world.

Image result for santa claus used to be greenSanta Claus used to be green but Coco-Cola had successfully used icons and indexes to create a message and now Santa Claus has become red worldwide due to Coke.


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