Magazine front cover production task - learner response

Magazine practical task evaluation

1) Save your finished Photoshop magazine cover as a JPEG image and upload it to your evaluation blogpost.

 Write an evaluation of your work: have you succeeded in your brief to create a new, original edition of an existing magazine?

I believe I have effectively succeeded in my brief when creating a new, original edition of an existing magazine however the only issue I believe I encountered is re-making fresh original taglines that stand out well.

3) Put your cover alongside a couple of genuine covers of your chosen magazine. How professional is your work alongside genuine examples?

Image result for the barber magazineRelated image

4) What is the strongest aspect of your work?

the cover lines both represent what the magazine portrays and both resemble a close up shot of the hair
5) What is the weakest aspect of your Photoshop magazine cover? 

the weakest aspect is finding a suitable colour scheme in order to make it more realistic

6) What would you do differently if you completed this assignment again?

I'd plan my tag lines that id use on my magazine rather than leave it till last minute.


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