Narrative in advertising

1) How does the advert use narrative? Apply at least three narrative theories to the text, making specific reference to specific shots or key scenes in the advert.
The advert uses narrative by showing Nike to be a brand which can be used by everyone can use as they have a lot of different situations and people playing different sports which may be showing that it is from different peoples point of view, which applies to Todorov's theory of equilibrium as many of the athletes seem to have their own equilibrium. Everyone wants to find their own equilibrium which may be why Nike may be suggesting that to find their own equilibrium they should use their products to find their own equilibrium.
This could link with Propp's theory, as multiple characters have different roles for example in the advert we see a football coach who goes through multiple problems during the day but succeeds with the help of others and regular training so there is representation of characters like the helper and the hero.

2) Read this BBC feature on some of the people in the advert. How does the advert use celebrities and less well-known people to create stories in the advert?

The celebrities are are used in the advert to bring attention to the advert as some of the things which some of the celebrities do in the advert may bring attention to the advert, therefore getting more customers for the company and attention to the product they are trying to promote. It uses celebrities to get the everyday consumer to feel like the product is premium as if the celebrities who we think to have a large amounts of money to only by premium products, so we will feel like we will receive premium products. It uses less well known people as well to show that anyone can do whatever the celebrities have done and reach the professional level which they have reached.

3) Read this AdWeek feature and interview on the Nike London advert. How did the advert use technical codes (camerawork, mise-en-scene, editing etc.) to help create narratives that could connect with the audience?

The camera is always moving, it moves from person to person and often even in the when it has fixed in on one person, it is as if it is already on the move and ready to go onto the next person. i thin that the Nike advert does this on purpose and it creates an exciting thrill to the advert and manages to fit in a lot of people. It may also be suggesting that the Nike shoes which they are promoting are also going to make you move much faster. It moves very quickly from person to person. There is also a very smooth transition between each of the different narratives as they refer to what occurred during the previous part of the advert in the previous story line and sometimes even directly ask a rhetorical question to each other "Hey Mo, have you ever played tennis in London?"

4) What representation of London does the advert offer?

The representation of London which it has is that it is very quickly moving and we can see that from the way the shots move very quickly. There is also some London banter as the target audience is clearly Londoners as they will understand this and will also be able to relate to some of the people in there. For example there were some British rappers who may not be very popular in other countries , however a lot of the youth will recognize them along with a lot of the other people. It also refers to some of the struggles which Londoners often face, therefore allowing it to be relate able to them such as there being poor weather in London. It shows a busy city, however there is also a show that everyone is working towards something and that there is a lot of talent in London in both the present and the future.
5) Why might this advert appeal to an audience?

This advert might appeal to an audience as i believe that the target audience are the Youth of London. Firstly i believe that the it is designed to appeal to the youth as they are they ones who would have recognized many of the celebrities and although I along with many don't think that Nike as a brand is only for the younger generation, I do also think that it appeals to the youth much more then the older generations as they care more about the styles of things and are often the trend setters of the world. I also think that is was specifically designed for Londoners as it includes some of the things which Londoners struggle with such as poor weather and does include some of what i would consider to be British banter. There are also many British celebrities and I believe that there is a clear indication on the ideal target audience as there are celebrities which for the most part only young Londoners would recognize the celebrities which were used and i think that by using a very specific target audience they have already come half way in succeeding in making an appealing advert. I think that the British people love the banter which they have and a lot of that is represented in the advert and i think that because it is so relate able is the reason for its success.


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