cultural industries

 What does the term 'Cultural Industries' actually refer to?

it is the creation of a product with a nature

What does Hesmondhalgh identify regarding the societies in which the cultural industries are highly profitable?

As they are highly demanding, they are profitable meaning that it is economically stable and can be seen as sustainable

Why do some media products offer ideologies that challenge capitalism or inequalities in society?

As companies are emerging there is more competition so companies try to stand out by making things unique and different which is eye-catching which challenge norms in order to make profit

What are the problems that Hesmondhalgh identifies with regards to the cultural industries?

.Most products are known to be too expensive  due to their high production costs so not many consumers go for that specific creative product. They would rather go for more affordable products that have low production costs.

What is your opinion on the creativity v commerce debate? Should the media be all about profit or are media products a form of artistic expression that play an important role in society?

I believe that media should show a form of artistic expression but at the same time focus on profits. Media should be a way for people to connect and learn but the producers should be motivate commercially 

Do you agree that the way the cultural industries operate reflects the inequalities and injustices of wider society? Should the content creators, the creative minds behind media products, be better rewarded for their work?

Yes, because without them the product will not be shone in light so they must receive most recognition

 What is commodification? 

to make something into a product for commercial and profitable use


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