Audience Theory 1

1)The hypodermic needle theory suggests that intended messages are directly received by people and accepted fully. This article talks about the dangers of violent video games which states that everyone who plays these video games 'could be compared to smoking cigarettes' . It states that the more you play it, the increased risk causing violence.
2)This coverage shows that the only cause of the hacking is due to the violent video games and disregards any background issues which complies with the hypodermic needle theory. There may be many factors which include any misunderstanding between the parents or any mental health problems. This model disregards the external influences and is blamed on the video game. This is completely wrong as many people play video games yet not everyone WHO PLAYS IT, is violent.

1)The two-step flow theory suggests that ideas flow from mass media to opinion leaders, then to the wider population. I believe that it is partially relevant, unlike the hypodermic needle theory as people these days look up to opinion leaders and famous people and tend to imitate them meaning that the wider population will be more likely to 'inject' their actions into their brains.

2) The You tuber is also an opinion leader due to the high number of subscribers being over 2,000,000. As he has many subscribers, he is trusted to be a voice for the wider population meaning which makes him influential.

3) The tweeter fits in with the 2 step flow theory as he is also an opinion leader with a high number of followers which means that he can be trusted so people are more influenced.

4) He is an opinion leader with many followers with wealth and is very successful

Diversion: Prison Break - this is more of an escape route to any bad memories as it entertaining and is completely opposite to any personal relationship as no one 'breaks out of 3 high security prisons'
Personal relationships: Eastenders - as it is a way to connect to the audience as the show is more focused on realistic issues which many people can relate to
Personal identity: Ackley bridge - as I come from an Asian background I understand where the main character comes from and her role in school. Her parents are very similar to mine as he parents are over-protective at the same time she breaks rules with her parents.
Surveillance: David Attenborough blue planet educates us about the creatures and animals under water.

Dependency theory
1) Do you agree that audiences have become more dependant on the media? What evidence or examples can you provide to support your view?
I believe that audiences are more dependant on the media at this current stage due to the growth of media from 50-60 years ago. At the same time I believe in the uses and gratifications theory as audiences are active and make conscious choices about the way they consume media. This means that they are not always dependant on the media to aid them.
2) How has the growth of the news and digital technology in the last 15 years changed peoples dependency on the media?
As media is growing due to increased purchase in technology, more people can easily access the news with one click of a button which could also mean that they can come across fake news which most likely interests people making them changes their views on things. E.g fake news on Donald Trump could lead a non Trump supporter into a supporter.
3) Reflecting on your own media use, how does your media consumption impact on your emotions? Does the media have an overall positive or negative impact on your health and wellbeing? Why?
I believe that the media can affect me positively or negatively but it also depends on how I receive the message. I categorise myself with Blumler and Katz as they are conscious about what they intake with the media.


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