49 questions

Read Media Factsheet 03 - Genre: Categorising texts and answer the following questions:

1) What example is provided of why visual iconographies are so important?

2) What examples are provided of the importance of narrative in identifying genre?

3) What is the difference between character representation in action movies and disaster movies?

4) What are the different ways films can be categorised according to Bordwell? 

5) List three ways genre is used by audiences.

6) List three ways genre is used by institutions or producers.

7) What film genre is used as an example of how genres evolve? What films and conventions are mentioned?

Read Media Factsheet 126 - Superheroes: A Genre Case Study and answer the following questions:

1) List five films the factsheet discusses with regards to the Superhero genre.

2) What examples are provided of how the Superhero genre has reflected the changing values, ideologies and world events of the last 70 years?

3) How can Schatz's theory of genre cycles be applied to the Superhero genre?

Finally, carry out your own genre analysis using the model provided by media theorist Daniel Chandler. Choose a film or TV text and answer the following questions:

1) Why did you choose the text you are analysing?
Prison break b?
as i am interested in prison life and how people survive behind bars, it came as a recommendation on Netflix
3) What influence do you think this context might have had ecause it is currently my favourite show
2) In what context did you encounter iton your interpretation of the text?
it told me what the struggles are behind bars and that i should not behave in a way that will get me in that position
4) To what genre did you initially assign the text?
5) What is your experience of this genre?
very interesting and i cannot stop watching crime series
6) What subject matter and basic themes is the text concerned with?
it is based on a character called Michael Scofield  whos brother is locked up for a murder he did not commit, so it gets himself into prison to try and break him out of prison
7) How typical of the genre is this text in terms of content?
it is very unique and most prison related shows on netflix are documentaries but Prison Break has many impossible scenes
8) What expectations do you have about texts in this genre?
i expected it to be very scary and intimidating
9) Have you found any formal generic labels for this particular text (where)?
it is very mysterious and fast-paced
10) What generic labels have others given the same text?
11) Which conventions of the genre do you recognize in the text?
12) To what extent does this text stretch the conventions of its genre?
13) Where and why does the text depart from the conventions of the genre?
14) Which conventions seem more like those of a different genre (and which genre(s))?
15) What familiar motifs or images are used?
Dominance, Power and status

Mode of address
1) What sort of audience did you feel that the text was aimed at (and how typical was this of the genre)?
i thought it was aimed at the older people like teenagers above 16 as there is a sense of maturity needed to understand Prison Break
2) How does the text address you?
others have different paths to life
3) What sort of person does it assume you are?
a person with the understanding of the evil world and that i would prevent myself from getting there which shows maturity
4) What assumptions seem to be made about your class, age, gender and ethnicity?
that class dont matter but there is a division between ethnicity in a MALE prison which portrays males to me much more evil. also age is important as the younger community struggle to survive as they are controlled by the older community
5) What interests does it assume you have?

Relationship to other texts
1) What intertextual references are there in the text you are analysing (and to what other texts)?
2) Generically, which other texts does the text you are analysing resemble most closely?
3) What key features are shared by these texts?
4) What major differences do you notice between them?


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